Vol. 5, Issue 12, Part D (2019)
Self-efficacy of grade one teachers in teaching actional competencies using the mother tongue
Self-efficacy of grade one teachers in teaching actional competencies using the mother tongue
Jene L Alpuerto
This study explored the interconnectedness between teachers’ beliefs, and the strategies used in teaching the chosen components of actional competence whether the teachers’ self-efficacy, teaching experience, and their number of in-service trainings, have impact on pupils’ performance. The findings reveal that majority of the teacher-respondents are middle-age adults and have taught over ten (10) years. In general, they were exposed to very minimal trainings and have the belief that their self-efficacy level is only Quite a bit. The strategy often used by the teachers is asking questions. Other communicative competence strategies that would greatly contribute to learning formal and informal English expressions seem to be not often used by most of the teacher respondents. The performance of the pupils in the English subject as shown in their report cards belongs to the Developing level. On the other hand, the result of the researcher-made test revealed that the pupil respondents have little knowledge of the appropriate response to different situations. This study reveals further the influential role of the grade-one teachers’ self-efficacy in determining successful pupil performance. Teachers’ beliefs affect not only their teaching but also filter new input. With these results, teachers and pupils’ performances are very much affected by the change in curriculum and must be given utmost consideration if the goal of the department of education is to achieve better results. Therefore, in order for teachers to perform better they must be given more opportunities to attend seminars related to the thrusts of the new curriculum. English teachers teaching grade-one classes should have the skill on how to break down complex, challenging tasks into something more manageable. Teachers should have developed within them high levels of self-efficacy, the power to achieve a certain proficiency level regardless of their age and number of years in service and they should also be proficient in teaching their pupils formal and informal English expressions. If the teachers continue to be optimistic about their teaching tasks, they will be instrumental in the academic growth of their pupils. They can also explore the reasons why some of the pupils are performing below the ideal standards. They can further examine what they can do to enhance their self-efficacy, creativity and innovation in the implementation of the new curriculum.
How to cite this article:
Jene L Alpuerto. Self-efficacy of grade one teachers in teaching actional competencies using the mother tongue. Int J Appl Res 2019;5(12):250-256.