Vol. 5, Issue 12, Part F (2019)
Cardio logical manifestations of snake bite: Experience at our tertiary care hospital
Cardio logical manifestations of snake bite: Experience at our tertiary care hospital
Aditya Narayan Sahu, Pranay Kumar Patro and Rakesh Chandra Behera
In the present study, Cardiological Manifestations in snakebite 100 freshly admitted patients, - males and –females during the time period of August 2018 to July 2019 to the Department of Medicine S.C.B MCH CUTTACK with definite history of snakebite were included. Maximum snake bites are found in the age group of 4th decade followed by 3rd and 5th decade. less incidence of snakebite in extreme age group. Majority of snakebites (58%) were during the night. Most patients (64%) were belongs to rural areas. The common manifestations in vasculotoxic snakebite were local swelling, pain and bleeding (77.8%) followed by vomiting (22.2%), lymphadenopathy (18.5%), bleeding diathesis (11.1%) and pain abdomen (7.4%). The common manifestations in in neurotoxic bite were ptosis (100%), followed by dysphagia (93.3%), myalgia (33.3%), ophthalmoplegia (33.3%), respiratory paralysis (26.7%) and pain abdomen (6.7%). Among the 100 patients the common clinical cardiological findings were tachycardia (53.3%), hypertension (22.2%), bradycardia (13.3%) and shock (20%). Cardiac enzymes like CK-MB (>25IU/L) were raised in (63%) in vasculotoxic and 40% in neurotoxic snakebite. Troponin T (>14pg/dl) were raised in 63% of vasculotoxic and 33.3% in neurotoxic snakebite. Significant difference was found among male and female patients in the rise of CK-MB (P=0.000). Significant difference was found among males and females in the rise of Troponin (p=0.000). Thus significant difference was found in rise of CK-MB (p=0.000) and Troponin T (p=0.000) levels among vasculotoxic neurotoxic and NE groups. Like previous studies, the present study of snakebite shows cardiological involvement in various types of snakebites. Cardiac involvement should be kept in mind especially in severely envenomed patients. ECG and cardiac enzymes can be used as tools for monitoring myocardial damage in snakebites.
How to cite this article:
Aditya Narayan Sahu, Pranay Kumar Patro, Rakesh Chandra Behera. Cardio logical manifestations of snake bite: Experience at our tertiary care hospital. Int J Appl Res 2019;5(12):376-380.