Vol. 5, Issue 12, Part F (2019)
An experimental study of lecture method and demonstration method at different intellectual levels
An experimental study of lecture method and demonstration method at different intellectual levels
Dr. Shiv Kumar Srivastava
AbstractWith the advancement of educational psychology, it was proposed that education should be child-centred in which it was stressed:
"Education is for child, child is not for education". --Rousseau
Education very simply means providing profitable experiences, leaning is gaining through experiences. For efficient Learning education is necessary. Education has been conceived of as a training for better life and better social adjustment in a community or group. As such the task of education, on the one hand, is to affect the harmonious and all-round balanced development of the individual physically, mentally, and morally: on the other hand, to make him a socially useful citizen by modifying his behaviour to ensure proper social progress.
On the basis of present study, the investigator has obverse that scores of students achieved in pre-test and post- test are showing that demonstration method is more effective than the traditional lecture method. Thus, students are performing better achievement in learning through teaching with demonstration method.
How to cite this article:
Dr. Shiv Kumar Srivastava. An experimental study of lecture method and demonstration method at different intellectual levels. Int J Appl Res 2019;5(12):413-418.