Vol. 5, Issue 2, Part C (2019)
Socio-economic, educational and health services of DEEPS
Socio-economic, educational and health services of DEEPS
Dr. A Abdul Jameel and Dr. KMA Mohamed Omer Farooque
This paper highlighted the socio-economic, educational and health conditions and issues of the people of Dharmapuri district. Development Educational and Environment Protection Society commonly Known as DEEPS. It is located at Pennagram in Dharmapuri District of Tamilnadu. This NGO mainly work for the development of downtrodden people. The district has 32.3 percent poor people as identified by the BPL census; hereby this organisation particularly focuses the main issues of female infanticide, women’s development, education, AIDS and social welfare.
How to cite this article:
Dr. A Abdul Jameel, Dr. KMA Mohamed Omer Farooque. Socio-economic, educational and health services of DEEPS. Int J Appl Res 2019;5(2):158-162.