Vol. 5, Issue 2, Part C (2019)
Suspension Clogging
Suspension Clogging
Anshu Anand
The movement through a single constricted channel of a charged-stabilized suspension is experimentally analysed by independently monitoring the particles. Surprisingly, the conduct is observed to be qualitatively identical to that of dry granular inertial systems. For small values of the neck-to-particle size ratio (D/d<3), clogs form randomly as arches of particle span the constriction. At the transition to a virtually uninterrupted flow, this especially small value of D/d is due to the low effective friction between the particles, accomplished by the functionalization and lubrication of the particle.
How to cite this article:
Anshu Anand. Suspension Clogging. Int J Appl Res 2019;5(2):261-263.