Vol. 5, Issue 3, Part C (2019)
Agricultural condition during pre and post application of new agricultural technology
Agricultural condition during pre and post application of new agricultural technology
Dr. Naima Umar
The New Agriculture Technology has revolutionary change in agriculture, modern agricultural technology is introduced in 1960s this helped peoples from hunger and starvation. New Agricultural practices have focused on the improvement of rice yields carried out at the International Rice Research Institute, Manila, Philippines. New Agricultural Technology has been the emergence and diffusion of new seeds of cereals consisted the use of improved seeds, NPK fertilizers, pesticides and fungicides, weedicides, modern agricultural implements, improved irrigation practices and moisture conservation techniques in soils which require intensive research. This paper thoroughly focused on the agricultural conditions pre and post application of new agricultural technology.
How to cite this article:
Dr. Naima Umar. Agricultural condition during pre and post application of new agricultural technology. Int J Appl Res 2019;5(3):153-156.