GIS-based quantitative geomorphological and drainage morphometric evaluation and analysis in Atalanti river basin, Central Greece
GIS-based quantitative geomorphological and drainage morphometric evaluation and analysis in Atalanti river basin, Central Greece
Lappas I and Kallioras A
In this paper, an attempt is made to study both the topographic and morphometric aspects of streams and landscape characteristics of Atalanti river basin (248.5 km2) in Central Greece to understand the structure, process, soil physical properties, erosion and evolution of the landform as well as its hydrological characteristics based on the morphological aspects. Morphometric analysis is vital in any hydrological study and is considered mandatory in drainage basin’s development and management as various hydrological processes in the catchment are strongly related to the landform characteristics (e.g., discharge rate, rainfall intensity, flash flood potential, sediment yield etc.). The quantitative evaluation and analysis of numerous morphometric parameters of the drainage area was determined based on the linear (Stream order, stream length, stream length ratio, bifurcation ratio etc.), areal (Drainage density, stream frequency, form factor, elongation ratio, circularity ratio etc.) and relief (Slope, aspect etc.) aspects. The aforesaid geomorphological characteristics were derived from DEM (with 25 m spatial resolution) using GIS processing on the basis of toposheets 1:50.000 scale. The drainage basin is divided into two main sub-basins, namely, Alargino, and Karagkiozis and all the aspects were studied for each sub-basin separately. Morphometric analysis of the drainage basin revealed that the Alargino and Karagkiozis sub-basins are designated as 4th order (Strahler’s classification) all exhibiting dendritic to sub-dendritic drainage pattern following the natural terrain gradient. Poor drainage density and stream frequency confirmed the permeability of the sub-surface material, thick vegetative cover and homogeneous lithological characteristics in both larger sub-basins especially in lowlands (Low basin relief). However, in highlands both drainage density and stream frequency become higher due to the formations’ impermeability and the structurally controlled area. The elongation ratio of the sub-basins was found to be low indicating that the terrains are elongated in shape. The results also showed that the Horton’s laws with reference to quantitative geomorphology were applicable to the sub-basins of the Atalanti river basin. The study revealed that the area of the Atalanti basin presents low slope relief directed towards East to the gulf of Atalanti and subsequently low response to surface runoff. All the relief characteristics indicated that the studied basin is rejuvenated or at the young stage of geomorphological development. It is therefore concluded that GIS techniques provided useful results and competent tools for river basin’s morphometric analysis, management as well as hydrological behavior and design.
How to cite this article:
Lappas I, Kallioras A. GIS-based quantitative geomorphological and drainage morphometric evaluation and analysis in Atalanti river basin, Central Greece. Int J Appl Res 2019;5(3):264-275.