Vol. 5, Issue 4, Part A (2019)
Correlation of pleural fluid and serum C-reactive protein and lactate dehydrogenase level in relation to infection and malignant pleural effusion
Correlation of pleural fluid and serum C-reactive protein and lactate dehydrogenase level in relation to infection and malignant pleural effusion
Srinibas Sahoo, Banani Jena, Priyadarshini Behera, Rakhi Ludam, RN Mania, Sangita Jena, Sonali Parida, Siladitya Mohankudu, Pritam Chhotray, Amit Kiran Rath and Syed Umer Ahmed
Pleural effusion is a usually experienced clinical substance in medication. A few components are associated with pathology of pleural emanation like expanded porousness of pleural vessels, expanded pneumonic fine weight, negative intrapleural pressure, diminished oncotic pressure gradient, and lymphatic deterrent. In this study the estimation of the values of pleural fluid CRP and LDH and serum CRP and LDH and its ratio and its authenticity in differentiating infectious vs malignant effusions was analysed. The detailed clinical examination was done along with chest x ray. Based on chest x ray pleural effusion was classified as mild, moderate and massive. The results showed that Majority of patients were in the age group 40-60 years and ≤40 years. Male to female ratio was 1.8:1. The mean age among male was 52.41±14.61 years and in female was 49.42±15.85 years. In tuberculous effusions 35.4% were massive effusion, 33.3% were moderate effusions and 31.3% were mild effusions. this data is correlating between pleural to serum LDH ratio and pleural to serum CRP ratio in malignant effusions and infectious effusions, which found a significant correlation between them with p value 0.0065 and 0.0048 respectively.
How to cite this article:
Srinibas Sahoo, Banani Jena, Priyadarshini Behera, Rakhi Ludam, RN Mania, Sangita Jena, Sonali Parida, Siladitya Mohankudu, Pritam Chhotray, Amit Kiran Rath, Syed Umer Ahmed. Correlation of pleural fluid and serum C-reactive protein and lactate dehydrogenase level in relation to infection and malignant pleural effusion. Int J Appl Res 2019;5(4):04-07.