Vol. 5, Issue 4, Part C (2019)
Review of literature of climate change on GCM, RCM, RCP scenarios
Review of literature of climate change on GCM, RCM, RCP scenarios
Jai Kumar
The purpose of this review is to briefly discuss GCM, RCM, RCP scenarios in climate change. To provide information about them to help GCM, RCM, RCP scenarios in climate change to discuss the particular problem relate to the climate change. Scenarios have been changed and evaluated signification in recent years highlight the use of swat, GIS automatic calibration process allowing then capable of simulating watershed under given land use and climate effects.
How to cite this article:
Jai Kumar. Review of literature of climate change on GCM, RCM, RCP scenarios. Int J Appl Res 2019;5(4):139-141.