Vol. 5, Issue 4, Part D (2019)
Effectiveness of health promotion program on levels of knowledge regarding life style modification among patients with diabetes mellitus at Sakthi Amma hospital, Vellore
Effectiveness of health promotion program on levels of knowledge regarding life style modification among patients with diabetes mellitus at Sakthi Amma hospital, Vellore
Lydia G and Dr. P Pandiammal
This study was aimed to assess the Effectiveness of health promotion program on levels of knowledge regarding life style modification among patients with diabetes mellitus. One group pre -test – post-test design was used in this study. Non probability purposive sampling technique was adopted to select 30 samples based on inclusion criteria. Finding of the study showed that the pre-test mean value was 15.8 and after the health promotion program post-test mean value was 32. The mean difference was 16.2 for levels of knowledge. The computed “t” value (t=14) was higher than the table value (3.66) at p <0.05. Therefore, health promotion program on diabetes mellitus are effective in improving knowledge regarding their life style modification among patients with diabetes.
How to cite this article:
Lydia G, Dr. P Pandiammal. Effectiveness of health promotion program on levels of knowledge regarding life style modification among patients with diabetes mellitus at Sakthi Amma hospital, Vellore. Int J Appl Res 2019;5(4):207-208.