Vol. 5, Issue 4, Part D (2019)
Hamstring and quadriceps muscles strength in knee osteoarthritis patients among older adults
Hamstring and quadriceps muscles strength in knee osteoarthritis patients among older adults
Dr. Abhijeet Manohare and Dr. Deepali Hande
AbstractBackground: Osteoarthritis (OA) is degenerative joint disease. It is a common chronic and most common musculoskeletal condition worldwide and most common leading cause of disability among older adults resulting in pain, fatigue, functional limitations Increased healthcare utilization and high economic costs to society and impact on quality of life Worldwide estimates reported 9.6% of men and 18.0% of women aged ≥60 years have symptomatic osteoarthritis and US and European’s Radiographic studies reported populations aged >45 years show higher rates for OA knee in that 14.1% for men and 22.8% for women have OA knee. Indian Council of Medical Research sponsored multi-centre study on, 'epidemiology of musculoskeletal conditions in India' in 2012 reported that percentage of OA patients are in the category of moderate severity and they varied from 40.5% to 66.5%.
Materials and method: This observational study was conducted in older adults and the data was collected from Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam College of physiotherapy Tal. Rahata dist. Ahmednagar district. The objective of this study was to check strength in hamstring and quadriceps muscles in patients of OA knee in older adults by using quadriceps chair.
Result: In present study (comprised of mainly patients from out of state) there was 75% of male and 25% of female in case group. The patients who were recruited with knee OA the BMI mean was 25.35 kg/m2 ±6.38 and in normal group it was 22.65 kg /m2±4.72 which was high in case group compare to normal group but statistically there was no significant difference in BMI between two group (p =0.135).This is because of the fact that the effect of obesity on OA has increased the mechanical loading of the knee and hip which lead in cartilage damage in this weight bearing joints.
Conclusion: Patients with OA knee have reduced strength of quadriceps and hamstrings muscles compare to normal individual. The overall deficits in quadriceps strength are 62 % (range - 0% to 88%) and in hamstrings are 55 % (range - 0%to75%). Study also concluded there is no significant difference in Q/H ratio probably because both quadriceps and hamstrings muscles strength is reducing similarly.
How to cite this article:
Dr. Abhijeet Manohare, Dr. Deepali Hande. Hamstring and quadriceps muscles strength in knee osteoarthritis patients among older adults. Int J Appl Res 2019;5(4):209-212.