Vol. 5, Issue 4, Part G (2019)
Comparative assessment of nootropic activity of Yashtimadhu Choorna and Yashtimadhu Kshirapaka in young and aged mice
Comparative assessment of nootropic activity of Yashtimadhu Choorna and Yashtimadhu Kshirapaka in young and aged mice
Dr. Priyanka L Mohite and Dr. Madhuri Pawar
Yashtimadhu is one of the “Medhya Rasayan” drugs advocated to achieve desired effect on cognitive functions especially when given with Cow milk. In present study two dosage forms of Yashtimadhu i.e. Choorna [Powder] and Kshirapaka [Medicated Milk] were prepared as per standard guidelines given in ayurvedic classical text and were analysed with API parameters. Therefore, it can be said that a preparation method of both formulations is developed and validated with physic-chemical analysis. In extension, comparative assessment of Nootropic activity of both formulations was done by using two animal models, viz. Diazepam induced amnesia using elevated plus maze [EPM] in young mice and spatial learning and memory in radial arm maze [RAM] in aged mice. In EPM test and RAM test drug administration was done daily for 15 and 7 days respectively. Study finding suggests that Yashtimadhu Kshirpaka at therapeutic dose exhibited anti-amnesic effect and learning-memory enhancement action in EPM test and RAM test (P<0. 001). The result also specified comparative significant effect of Yashtimadhu Choorna with cow milk on animal’s cognition than Yashtimadhu Choorna with water. Thus it can be concluded that addition of cow milk as Anupana [Vehicle] to Yashtimadhu or processing of Yashtimadhu Choorna with cow milk in ‘’Kshirapaka formulation’’ has potential to maintain healthy cognitive process in animals’. Hence both potent formulations can be employed as nootropic drugs to maintain human cognition in balanced state or can be utilized as adjuvant to conventional treatment.
How to cite this article:
Dr. Priyanka L Mohite, Dr. Madhuri Pawar. Comparative assessment of nootropic activity of Yashtimadhu Choorna and Yashtimadhu Kshirapaka in young and aged mice. Int J Appl Res 2019;5(4):405-411.