AbstractIntroduction: Many of the health problems faced by the Indians in the past have been tackled by Indian system of medicine, but new ones are arising to take their place. The Current major health problems encountered by Indian citizens include Malaria, Tuberculosis and the most debilitating one is HIV/AIDS. The special feature of HIV infection is that once infected, it is probable that a person will be infected for life long. Where, the term AIDS refers only to the last stage of the HIV infection.
Methods Research Approach
Research Approach: Exploratory research approach. Research design used was Non experimental Survey design. The conceptual framework based on theory of Conceptual frame work based on Numan System Model was used for the study. The setting for this study was the selected areas ART centers (Community Care Centre, Y.C.M Hospital and D.Y. Patil Convenient Sampling technique was used for 100 PLHA patients. health l at the time of data collection in selected ART centers.” The tool developed which includes,
Section-I: Demographic variables,
Section-II: Consisted of Structured Questionnaire. Level of Knowledge on selected psychiatric emergency management among health care workers.
Section-III: Structured Rating Scale to assess the coping mechanism. The association between coping strategies and selected demographic variables among HIV/AIDS patients was assessed using ANOVA prepared by the researcher. Since p-values corresponding to sex, occupation, monthly family income, ‘Since how long you have been taking ART treatment?’ ‘Has your spouse been screened?’ Are small (less than 0.05), the null hypothesis is rejected. Tool validity was done and tool found reliable. Study found feasible after pilot study.
Results: It has been observed that in this study Non experimental Survey design was used. The population for the present study comprised subjects infected with HIV/AIDS attending selected ART centers. Total 100 samples were taken, Sample was collected through the use of convenient sampling technique. To ensures reliability of tool data of the structured knowledge questionnaire was analyzed by Inter Rater Method, calculation was done by kappa correlation formula and the reliability coefficient of the tool was 0.90, which was found to be reliable. Hence the tool was found to be valid, reliable and feasible.
Section-I: Description of sample characteristics.
Section-II: Analysis of data related to psychosocial problems among HIV/AIDS faced by patients attending selected ART Centers.
Section-III: Analysis of data related to the various coping strategies adopted by the HIV/AIDS patients attending selected ART centers
Section-IV: An Analysis of data to find relationship between coping strategies and selected demo-graphic variables among HIV/AIDS patients. The content validity was determined by experts.
Conclusion: Overall experience of conducting this study was satisfying one, as there was good co-operation from HIV positive patients at the selected ART centers. The study was a new learning experience for the investigator. The result of the present study shows that the Demographic Variables which were found to have significant association with coping strategies among HIV/AIDS patients.