Vol. 5, Issue 4, Part H (2019)
To study on employee engagement and their impact on employee performance
To study on employee engagement and their impact on employee performance
Pragati Jayantibhai Vasani and Vaishali Vishwanathan Pillai
Employee Engagement refers the level of commitment and involvement of the employees towards their organization and its values. The aim of this study is to study the impact of employee engagement on employee performance and also to study the factors affecting employee engagement. The factors are pay and benefits, Health and safety, Performance appraisal, performance of the company, communication, training, leadership, grievance procedure, career development and other benefits. The research design of the study is causal and descriptive in nature. The data are collected through structured questionnaire and the sample size is 100 employees. For the analysis of the data descriptive statistic, Kolmogorav-simirnov test and cross tabulation. The result of the study discovered that employees are satisfied with overall performance of the company. All the factors of Employee engagement are affecting the employee performance in the positive way at the organization.
How to cite this article:
Pragati Jayantibhai Vasani, Vaishali Vishwanathan Pillai. To study on employee engagement and their impact on employee performance. Int J Appl Res 2019;5(4):490-493.