Vol. 5, Issue 4, Part H (2019)
Sports facilities in physical education institutions-a critical study
Sports facilities in physical education institutions-a critical study
Dr. Anil Arjun Budhe
Physical education programmes are related to the educational objectives. The needs of the physical are inextricably related to the activities of the mental. Movement does not take place without something happening to personality and social behavior. Physical education through meaningful physical activities and it is an integral part of the general education. Physical Education programme holds an important place in modem education system. All round development of various aspects of personality physical mental, emotional and cultural is not possible without it. In most of the school Physical Education is given a prime importance. It is very much essential to plan a definite programme of Physical Education in the beginning of the session and then execute it effectively in an organized way in the school. This will create an interest in physical activities amongst the students as well as the teachers. Students will know their responsibilities and duties in organization of physical activities. Facilities are essential for the growth of physical education and sports programs in the schools and physical education institutions, facilities like playground, 400m track, swimming pools, gymnasium halls, horse riding etc. In recent times every institution wants to excel in the competition, so that the institutions increases the facilities. These facilities are essential for the development of the physical education institutes and organization. Large amount of funds are given for enhancing the facilities to the physical education institutions by the governing body. These funds improve the standards of the institutes.
How to cite this article:
Dr. Anil Arjun Budhe. Sports facilities in physical education institutions-a critical study. Int J Appl Res 2019;5(4):519-521.