Vol. 5, Special Issue 4, Part B (2019)
Digitalization: An innovative perspective in education
Digitalization: An innovative perspective in education
Education is one of the significant sectors to show revolutionary changes in recent times. Digital education is the panacea for this curse of education all over the globe. It is particular a blessing for developing countries which chronically suffer from ailments of access and affordability. With wise coverage over various means of communication it becomes a natural choice to learn even for those the hinterlands. Innovation and Technology have been pre dominant in every sector of the economy but to adapt to change of fear to become obsolete. In this scenario of digitalization, it is a must for the education sector to also adapt to a dynamic environment as it allows it to keep pace with a competitive world. The onset of the digital India vision is having a profound effect our lives. While digitalization is ushering in a new era of transparency, efficiency and accountability, its proliferation in the field of education has brought about disruptive changes with a potential to radically alter the conventional landscape.
How to cite this article:
Neeru. Digitalization: An innovative perspective in education. Int J Appl Res 2019;5(4S):33-35.