Vol. 5, Special Issue 4, Part F (2019)
Effect of digital classroom learning environment on academic achievement of university students
Effect of digital classroom learning environment on academic achievement of university students
Sandip Singh
The present study is an experimental one and conducted in Bathinda district of Punjab. The investigator has taken 60 university students from central university of Punjab by using simple random sampling technique. For conducting experiment the investigator has used two group randomized pre-test and post-test design. For collection of data the investigator has used an achievement constructed and standardized by the investigator and t-test has also used for analysis and interpretation data. The result of the study reveals that digitalization of education and fully digital classroom learning environment is better to teach the university students rather than traditional classroom learning environment. It also improves the academic achievement level of the university students.
How to cite this article:
Sandip Singh. Effect of digital classroom learning environment on academic achievement of university students. Int J Appl Res 2019;5(4S):181-183.