Vol. 5, Special Issue 4, Part F (2019)
Digitalization and politics
Digitalization and politics
Vishavpreet Kaur
This chapter is a contribution to the discussion about use of digitalization in politics. Digitalization today touches all spheres of society, from politics and economics to science and culture. The rapid advance of digital technologies creates new political conflicts and affects societal power relations in many ways. As a global trend, digitalization knows no national borders-transforming politics and creating new foreign policy and security challenges. The diversity of these challenges is reflected in the broad scope of this dossier: it covers the political design and regulation of digital technologies in the institutional forums of digital foreign policy; new cyber-security threats and threat perceptions; the need for changes in international law and in particular human rights; and tensions between global technological advances and regional political developments.
How to cite this article:
Vishavpreet Kaur. Digitalization and politics. Int J Appl Res 2019;5(4S):184-186.