Vol. 5, Special Issue 4, Part H (2019)
Infusion of digital literacy in teacher education
Infusion of digital literacy in teacher education
Dr. Shashi Prabha Negi
As educators, we need to explore the environments to determine how they can most effectively be used in our instructional practices. This paper explores the current application of digital world to identify meaningful educational strategies that are being used to engage student teachers and enhance teaching and learning. The learners, commonly referred to as “digital natives”, seamlessly work with technology to gather, analyze, and synthesize information, and then present it in new and innovative ways. Creating learning environments that provide digital natives with a sense of immersion into the content, with the ability to both manipulate the content and change the content into new understandings, are the next natural steps in teaching and learning. Education in the 21st century should focus on communication, autonomy and control over a student’s own learning, and increased innovation and creativity. If Digital literacy used effectively, there is strong potential for instructors and learners to create a constructivist approach to teaching and learning.
How to cite this article:
Dr. Shashi Prabha Negi. Infusion of digital literacy in teacher education. Int J Appl Res 2019;5(4S):252-253.