Vol. 5, Issue 5, Part C (2019)
Effect of yogic practices and physical exercises on selected physical and psychological variables among information technology professionals
Effect of yogic practices and physical exercises on selected physical and psychological variables among information technology professionals
S Sivasankar and Dr. V Vallimurugan
The purpose of the study was to find out the effect of yogic practices and physical exercises on selected physical and psychological variables among Information Technology professional. To achieve this purpose of the study, only forty five (n=45) male subjects were selected from Information Technology companies in Chennai. The subjects of the study were selected at random. The age of the subjects were ranged between 30 to 40 years. The selected subjects were divided into three equal groups of fifteen subjects each, such as experimental groups I & II and control group. This study consisted of four equal groups of fifteen subjects each. Group-I (n=15) underwent yogic practices, group-II (n=15) underwent physical exercise, group-III (n=15) acted as control group. The experimental groups were trained for three alternative days in a week for twelve weeks with their specific training. The collected data from the three groups prior to and immediately after the experimental treatments on selected dependent variables were statistically analyzed by using the statistical technique of analysis of covariance (ANCOVA), whenever they obtained ‘F’ ratio for the adjusted posttest means was found to be significant, the Scheffe’s post hoc test was applied to determine the paired mean differences, if any, was used. The results of the study revealed that there was a significant improvement on selected physical and psychological variables due to yogic practices and physical exercises groups as compared to control group.
How to cite this article:
S Sivasankar, Dr. V Vallimurugan. Effect of yogic practices and physical exercises on selected physical and psychological variables among information technology professionals. Int J Appl Res 2019;5(5):176-179.