Vol. 5, Issue 6, Part B (2019)
A brief review of security issues, privacy and applications of internet of things
A brief review of security issues, privacy and applications of internet of things
Dr. Mukesh Singla
Internet of things (IOT) is the broadly circulated network of things in which all the data is directed to the internet with assistance of diverse pick up devices and Wireless rate of repetition ID cataloging system. IOT does not require any sort social being to device communication, it seems to be the major surfs of revolution as per the investigation standard on, and needs security. Development of IOT faces many challenges of security of things. This paper is focusing on security issues, privacy and different applications of IOT.
How to cite this article:
Dr. Mukesh Singla. A brief review of security issues, privacy and applications of internet of things. Int J Appl Res 2019;5(6):118-120.