Vol. 5, Issue 7, Part E (2019)
Digital image processing: A review
Digital image processing: A review
Dr. Mukesh Singla
The edge detection process is used to find the strong edge feature of an image. The edge feature is used to denote the image and provides space for extra opportunities to reveal corners, lines and shapes etc. Corner detection is the foremost step of various computer vision system building tasks such as real-time tracking, simultaneous localisation and mapping, image matching and recognition. The design and efficiency of a corner detector is important as it determines the scope whether the detector if combined with further data processing tools can operate at a particular frame rate. For real-time frame rate applications, it appears necessary to deploy a fast speed detector that overcomes the computational complexity of traditional detectors like Harris, Moore’s and SUSAN.
How to cite this article:
Dr. Mukesh Singla. Digital image processing: A review. Int J Appl Res 2019;5(7):328-330.