Vol. 5, Issue 7, Part F (2019)
Effect of improvised instructional materials on academic achievement of SS1 chemistry students in cross river State Nigeria
Effect of improvised instructional materials on academic achievement of SS1 chemistry students in cross river State Nigeria
Nja Cecilia Obi and Obi JJ
This study investigated the effects of instructional materials on academic achievement of SS1 chemistry students in Cross River State Nigeria. Two hypotheses guided the study. Experimental research design was adopted in the study. The population of the study was made up of all the Chemistry students in the 17 secondary schools in Calabar Municipality. The sample size was made up of 100 SS I chemistry students. The instrument used for data collection was the Chemistry Achievement Test (CAT) constructed by the researcher. The instrument was tested for internal consistency using Pearson product moment; reliability coefficient of 0.79 was obtained. The high value shows that the instrument was reliable. The data collected using the CAT instrument was analyzed using descriptive statistics and analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) at an alpha level 0.05 was used in testing the hypotheses that guided the study. The result of the study indicated that those students taught Acids and Bases using improvised materials performed better than those taught without them. Gender effect when students were taught using improvised instructional materials was not significant. Based on the findings, it was recommended that Teachers should be trained on how to improvise alternatives to real objects to enhance teaching and learning. The teacher should make use of only instructional materials that are relevant to their lesson content. Learners should be actively involved in sourcing for materials. The government, non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and the PTA should contribute financially to the promotion of improvisation of instructional materials in secondary schools.
How to cite this article:
Nja Cecilia Obi, Obi JJ. Effect of improvised instructional materials on academic achievement of SS1 chemistry students in cross river State Nigeria. Int J Appl Res 2019;5(7):444-448.