Vol. 5, Special Issue 7, Part B (2019)
The first specificity of the psychological development of children
The first specificity of the psychological development of children
Juraeva Dilafruz Jamurodovna
This article highlights the specifics of the psychological and physiological development of an early child. As we aim to bring a well-rounded, well-spoken, physically strong and intelligent child, who can contribute to the country's bright future, we must pay attention to the correct and complete development of the child from an early age. It has been proven by our great ancestors and modern educators that the upbringing of the child from the earliest years of age ensures that he or she is fully developed. The article emphasizes that parents need to take into account the formation of child speech skills and the formation of elementary elements of will.
How to cite this article:
Juraeva Dilafruz Jamurodovna. The first specificity of the psychological development of children. Int J Appl Res 2019;5(7S):58-60.