Vol. 5, Special Issue 7, Part D (2019)
Assessment of microalbuminuria in patients of essential hypertension
Assessment of microalbuminuria in patients of essential hypertension
Dr. Sunil Kumar Gulati
AbstractBackground: Microalbuminuria is urinary albumin excretion seen in patients with established essential hypertension and is a predictor of higher risk of cardiovascular and renal dysfunction. The present study was conducted to assess microalbuminuria in patients of essential hypertension.
Materials & Methods: 60 patients of essential hypertension of both genders underwent detection of metabolic profile, urine evaluation, echocardiography and MA.
Results: Out of 60 patients, males were 38 and females were 22. Age group 30-40 years had 2, 40-50 years had 6 and 50-60 years had 18 case of MA. The difference was significant (P< 0.05). The mean SBP was 184.2 mm Hg and 152.6 mm Hg and DBP was 110.4 mm Hg and 102.6 mm Hg in MA present and MA absent patients. The difference was significant (P< 0.05).
Conclusion: Authors found that high prevalence of microalbuminuria in patients with essential hypertension.
How to cite this article:
Dr. Sunil Kumar Gulati. Assessment of microalbuminuria in patients of essential hypertension. Int J Appl Res 2019;5(7S):100-102.