Vol. 5, Issue 8, Part F (2019)
Blended learning-An effective way to teaching learning process
Blended learning-An effective way to teaching learning process
Dr. Babita Arora
Blended learning is an innovative concept that embraces the advantages of both traditional teaching in the classroom and ICT supported learning including both offline learning and online learning. It has scope for collaborative learning; constructive learning and computer assisted learning (CAI). Blended learning needs rigorous efforts, right attitude, handsome budget and highly motivated teachers and students for its successful implementation. As it incorporates diverse modes so it is complex and organizing it is a difficult task. The present paper discusses the concept of blended learning, its benefits and prerequisite of its implementation.
How to cite this article:
Dr. Babita Arora. Blended learning-An effective way to teaching learning process. Int J Appl Res 2019;5(8):360-362.