Vol. 5, Issue 8, Part G (2019)
Impact of attributes of job satisfaction on work life Balance: An analysis
Impact of attributes of job satisfaction on work life Balance: An analysis
Dr. Madhu and Meenakshi Thakur
Efforts have been made to examine the impact of important factors determining level of job satisfaction and employees work life balance. For this purpose, various attributes like organizational factors, personal factors, work environment factors and job factors have been discussed in detail. The opinions of the respondents have been ranked into five-point scale. The statistical tests such as standard deviation, chi-square, skewness, and kurtosis were used to study the nature of distribution. A large number of employees accepted that SJVN Ltd. takes care of overall well-being of their employees by providing a safe and healthy work environment. The management tries to protect the interest of its employees in hazardous situations. It is further noticed that SJVN Ltd. ensures economic security by providing them permanent jobs. The respondents have perceived favourable work environment in SJVN Ltd. (Satluj Jal Vidyut Nigam Ltd).
How to cite this article:
Dr. Madhu, Meenakshi Thakur. Impact of attributes of job satisfaction on work life Balance: An analysis. Int J Appl Res 2019;5(8):485-491.