Vol. 5, Issue 9, Part B (2019)
Education: Why teachers are the vehicle of change for social issues
Education: Why teachers are the vehicle of change for social issues
Dhanarani Rajkumari
Education is a lifelong investment steering towards building a strong healthy society. The major vehicles of change are the educators or the teachers. Teachers have a major role to play in building personal and societal development. Emphasis should be given to teaching and learning, such as curriculum content, instructional styles, classroom environment and student–teacher relationships while encouraging and providing settings for students to promote a healthy society. The challenge faced by the society today is to maintain a healthy social environment free from all types of social evils. The society is progressing towards caste and classless based society, whereas on the other, fears from various fanatical ideals are gripping different zones around the globe. Social evils, mainly the issues corroding the society need to be addressed in order to bring a viable solution to these social issues. The degradation brought about by these issues is reflected upon the prevailing social environment of a particular society. Therefore, there is a need to make the people aware of the negative impact of social problems in today’s fast paced world in the development of the Nation. Wide spread social issues can be curbed only through changing the mindsets of the people through slowly but steady progressive education from the grass root level. To maintain a healthy social environment, an eye opener to these issues lies with educating the masses in bringing about a social change conducive to a more humane society whose responsibility lies solely with the Teachers.
How to cite this article:
Dhanarani Rajkumari. Education: Why teachers are the vehicle of change for social issues. Int J Appl Res 2019;5(9):91-93.