AbstractIntroduction: A Stroke is a medical condition in which blood flow to the brain results in cell death. There are two main type of stroke ischemic, due to lack of blood flow, and hemorrhagic due to bleeding. This result in part of brain not functioning properly. Quality of life the degree to which an individual is healthy, Comfortable and able to participate in or enjoy life events. Assessing QOL is difficult in stroke, in which patient have heterogeneous stroke symptom and deficits and also commonly suffer from psychological and social sequels of stroke. The NIHSS is a quantitative measure of stroke related neurological deficit with established reliability and validity for use in prospective clinical research.
Aim: To asses impact of quality of life in acute stroke patient using NIHSS scale.
Objective: To examine the quality of life scale in ischemic & hemorrhagic stroke patient using NIHS scale. To compare time duration with QOL in ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke patient. To compare severity with QOL in ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke patients.
Methodology: Observational Study don on 42 stroke patient, patient who are admitted in hospital, selected by purposive sampling they were assessed on NIHS scale.
Data Analysis And Result: Non parametric tests statistical analysis done. In NIHS Scale there is significant difference in both; hemorrhagic stroke had more score than ischemic stroke patient indirectly hemorrhagic patients are more severe than ischemic patients.
Conclusion: From the above study, it conclude that, there deterioration in QOL in both ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke patient by using NIHSS scale. With comparison with duration, in hemorrhagic patient has symptom for longer duration than ischemic stroke patient. In comparison with severity, hemorrhagic stroke more severe than ischemic stroke.