Vol. 6, Issue 10, Part O (2020)
Sources of irrigation in the state of Uttar Pradesh: A regional analysis
Sources of irrigation in the state of Uttar Pradesh: A regional analysis
Dr. Naima Umar
Agriculture is the primary occupation in India which supports by irrigation facilities. Irrigation sources are not even everywhere in the state of Uttar Pradesh. It has variations in terms of plenty of water supply and many parts of the state are facing scarcity. Assured irrigation plays important role in increasing the yield of any area. After the introduction of new agricultural technology within Uttar Pradesh has resulted in the advancement in the use of NPK fertilizers, insecticides, weedicides which has raised the demand for water supply for growing crops. However, overuse of groundwater has led to a significant drop in the water table in the state. The present paper has discussed the sources of irrigation such as canal irrigation, tubewell irrigation, etc. in the state of Uttar Pradesh by taking average values during the period from 1996-2000 and 2001-2005 and also highlighted the regional variations in the district of Uttar Pradesh.
How to cite this article:
Dr. Naima Umar. Sources of irrigation in the state of Uttar Pradesh: A regional analysis. Int J Appl Res 2020;6(10):984-993. DOI: