Vol. 6, Issue 12, Part E (2020)
Dynamique hydro-géomorphologique des mares et de l’occupation des sols de 1973 à 2018 dans la commune de Dogonkiria, Dosso
Dynamique hydro-géomorphologique des mares et de l’occupation des sols de 1973 à 2018 dans la commune de Dogonkiria, Dosso
Moussa Issaka Abdoulkader, Hassane Bouba, Wagani Ibrahim, Abdourhamane Toure Amadou, Abdoulaye Adamou and Garba Zibo
This study aims to know the dynamics of land use and ponds in Dogonkiria from Landsat satellite images from 1973, 2000 and 2018. Four land use units namely vegetation, bare soils, areas of cultures and ponds were identified and mapped and their dynamics studied. Natural vegetation has experienced a decline of over 85% of its area. Cultivated areas, bare soils and ponds have seen an increase in their areas with the respective rates of 90.54%, 264.42% and 481.66%. The hydrogeomrphological typology of the ponds made it possible to highlight two types of ponds, those of the plateaus with areas that remained constant between 1973 and 2018 and those of valleys having experienced a spectacular increase in their areas. These results constitute good decision-making tools for the sustainable development of natural resources.
How to cite this article:
Moussa Issaka Abdoulkader, Hassane Bouba, Wagani Ibrahim, Abdourhamane Toure Amadou, Abdoulaye Adamou, Garba Zibo. Dynamique hydro-géomorphologique des mares et de l’occupation des sols de 1973 à 2018 dans la commune de Dogonkiria, Dosso. Int J Appl Res 2020;6(12):294-300.