Vol. 6, Issue 4, Part D (2020)
A comparative study to assess the knowledge of nursing students regarding women empowerment in India among selected Nursing Colleges at Haryana
A comparative study to assess the knowledge of nursing students regarding women empowerment in India among selected Nursing Colleges at Haryana
Meena Kumari, Mutum Luxmi Devi and Sunita Ahlawat
The present study has been undertaken to assess the Knowledge of Nursing Students regarding Women Empowerment in India among selected Nursing Colleges at Haryana. In the present study a non-experimental comparative research design was adopted for assessing the knowledge of nursing students regarding the women empowerment in India among selected Nursing Colleges at Haryana. Sample consists of a sub set of a population selected to participate in a research study. The sample for the present study consists of 80 nursing students (40 in each group) in selected nursing colleges at Haryana. Convenient sampling technique has been used in selecting colleges in Haryana. In the present study the socio-demographic tool and structured questionnaire was adopted and developed on selected aspects of women empowerment in India. The finding shows that the mean knowledge score of group-I respondents found to be 10.15 percent; SD value as 2.558 and mean knowledge score of group-II respondents found to be 10.25; SD value as 2.696. It can be concluded that the group- I respondents had poor level of knowledge as compared with knowledge of group-II. Overall findings reveal that the nursing students had poor knowledge regarding the women empowerment in India. Therefore, from the present study, it shows that there is still a need for awareness programme on women empowerment in the society which can be included in curriculum of education and hence, follow up can be done by the entire institute and carried out positively for development of women in society.
How to cite this article:
Meena Kumari, Mutum Luxmi Devi, Sunita Ahlawat. A comparative study to assess the knowledge of nursing students regarding women empowerment in India among selected Nursing Colleges at Haryana. Int J Appl Res 2020;6(4):244-248.