Vol. 6, Issue 9, Part A (2020)
Stress: A major hurdle for organisational growth
Stress: A major hurdle for organisational growth
Shiv Shankar Singh
Corporate organizations have always had profit as their sole objective. A prerequisite for profit is getting maximum results at the least cost of resources. The most profitable companies are the ones which do this best. It is not surprising then that in the muddle of conflicting priorities, the human resource is largely taken for granted. In fact, in most organizations, the role of the human resource development manager is more of a compensation administrator, ‘body’-buyer and arbiter in case of conflict. This paper is a modest attempt on stress influences on the working of organizations and it’s management possibilities. Nowadays, in times of economic crisis, most managers or entrepreneurs have to cope with a lot of new job challenges which can easily transform into stressors. Work related stress is of growing concern because it has significant economic implications for the organization. Even if some stress is a normal part of life, excessive stress can influence one’s productivity, health and emotions and it has to be taken under control. When people lose confidence, they refuse to take responsibilities, they get quickly irritated, they are unsatisfied of their job, their performance will be very low and the organization will be in danger. Fortunately, most managers and entrepreneurs know which stress main symptoms are and have the necessary knowledge for managing and reducing it before it can affect employees’ daily work. Stress can have an impact both on the organizational welfare and on personal behavior of supervisors or employees, that’s why, the ability of managing it can make the difference between job’s success or failure. This paper focuses on the impact of stress on the organisational growth.
How to cite this article:
Shiv Shankar Singh. Stress: A major hurdle for organisational growth. Int J Appl Res 2020;6(9):52-54.