ISSN Print: 2394-7500, ISSN Online: 2394-5869, CODEN: IJARPF
S. No. | Title and Authors Name | Subject | Country |
1 | Iron deficiency anaemia: Daily iron on dinner plate Das Devi Bhagya Pages: 300-304 | 724 Views 139 Downloads Subject: Nursing | Country: India | Nursing | India |
2 | The development and challenges of football in south Wollo zone and Dessie city administration of Amhara region: Focusing on Dessie, Kombolca and Haik Kenema football Club Tesfaye Legesse Gebreyohannis Pages: 305-311 | 1044 Views 339 Downloads Subject: Sports | Country: Ethiopia | Sports | Ethiopia |
3 | Impact of human values on managerial effectiveness Shakir Alam Pages: 312-314 | 761 Views 201 Downloads Subject: economic | Country: India | economic | India |
4 | Éclatement de la fonction publique en republique democratique du Congo: État de lieux et perspectives sur Fonction publique provinciale et locale Par Pages: 321-327 | 760 Views 213 Downloads Subject: Educational | Country: Congo | Educational | Congo |
5 | GIS, remote sensing and GPS: Their activity, integration and fieldwork Najibullah Hassan Zurmotai Pages: 328-332 | 1957 Views 1238 Downloads Subject: Technology | Country: Afghanistan | Technology | Afghanistan |
6 | Impacts of food adulteration in Nepal Mr. Lila Raj Bhandari Pages: 333-339 | 2298 Views 1400 Downloads Subject: Philosophy | Country: Nepal | Philosophy | Nepal |
7 | Effect of trunk stabilization exercises on upper limb recovery in chronic stroke Dr. Hetvi Jaimin Shukla and Dr. Ravi Shah Pages: 340-347 | 1195 Views 347 Downloads Subject: Physiotherapy | Country: India | Physiotherapy | India |
8 | बदलते परिवेश में युवा वर्ग के लिए ‘सत्य एवं अहिंसा का महत्व’ डॉ. उपमा सिन्हा Pages: 348-350 | 263 Views 117 Downloads Subject: Political Science | Country: India | Political Science | India |
9 | Problematising History, Politics and Identity in Rushdie’s Midnight’s Children Sudhir Kumar Sahu Pages: 351-354 | 1410 Views 737 Downloads Subject: English | Country: India | English | India |
10 | Influence of Vishnusmriti in Sankardevas “Eka-Saran-Hari-Nama Dharma” Durgeswar Kalita Pages: 355-357 | 693 Views 124 Downloads Subject: Theology | Country: India | Theology | India |
11 | Locating the significance of religious symbols in Indian religions Dr. Pradip Kumar Jha Pages: 358-361 | 1017 Views 370 Downloads Subject: Education | Country: India | Education | India |