Vol. 7, Issue 1, Part D (2021)
Post-traumatic stress disorder among the accident survivors: A study in Bengaluru
Post-traumatic stress disorder among the accident survivors: A study in Bengaluru
The Road traffic injuries are a major but neglected global public health problem, requiring concerted efforts for effective and sustainable prevention. Of all the systems that people have to deal with on a daily basis, road transport is the most complex and the most dangerous. Going by the national statistics, every year the lives of approximately 1.35 million people are cut short as a result of a road traffic crash. Between 20 and 50 million more people suffer non-fatal injuries, with many incurring a disability as a result of their injury. The post traffic accident experiences of the individuals surviving the accident has psychological, social and economic implications. The present study introspects the psychological imperatives of the accident survivors and trauma they undergo.
How to cite this article:
Krupamani. Post-traumatic stress disorder among the accident survivors: A study in Bengaluru. Int J Appl Res 2021;7(1):291-297.