Vol. 7, Issue 1, Part D (2021)
Formulation and evaluation of poly herbal drugs powder by using antacid and anti-ulcer treatment
Formulation and evaluation of poly herbal drugs powder by using antacid and anti-ulcer treatment
Suryakumari Chalakanti, A Dinesh Reddy, SK Asha Begum, G Durgarao and K Venketeswerarao
In the present study, poly-herbal powder was developed by using some traditional herbs having the antiulcer & antacid activity of a polyherbal formulation prepared by the combination of herbs such as Moringa leaves, ginger, garlic, coriander, eucalyptus, cinnamon, Amla and pomegranate to standardize the formulation. The polyherbal powder was prepared by mixing the raw drugs in accurate amount and then it was standardized. Polyherbal formulation of powder was analogized with sodium bicarbonate. The formulation when compared to standard drug highlighted the same acid neutralizing capacity. Through our present study, we concluded that the polyherbal formulation can be used as herbal antacid. The powder showed similar action as standard drug sodium bicarbonate. The formulation can be used to treat condition of gastro esophageal reflux disease, and. astringent acid neutralization, hyperacidity and GIT problems and activity that is desirable for the treatment of gastric ulcer. The formulation containing the powder herbs showed significant decrease in the ulcer index.
How to cite this article:
Suryakumari Chalakanti, A Dinesh Reddy, SK Asha Begum, G Durgarao, K Venketeswerarao. Formulation and evaluation of poly herbal drugs powder by using antacid and anti-ulcer treatment. Int J Appl Res 2021;7(1):235-241.