AbstractFreight transportation improvements are planned and implemented by both the public and private sectors. This has traditionally occurred independently. In general, publicly funded improvement planning follows a lengthy structured process with prescribed involvement by many stakeholders. In contrast, private sector planning has a short response time without external involvement and is driven by market trends. The freight planning process presented in this section focuses on planning performed by the public sector. However, effective planning cannot ignore the latter, since the business aspects of moving freight play an important role in how decisions are made.
The extent to which freight is considered in public planning both at the national and regional metro level varies from being integrated into the prioritization and funding process to not being considered detail. This section presents the state of the practice in public sector planning for freight.
Traffic in India is not an exception to this diverse behaviour. Here a mixed composition of traffic with varying speeds is observed including two wheeler motorized and non-motorized vehicles, slow moving cycle rickshaws, autos as preferred public transport facilities due to urban street networks and fast moving small and big cars, light commercial vehicles, buses and heavy vehicles all are observed without any dedicated lanes to follow unlike road infrastructure facilities of developed countries.
The observation period and study location have been chosen such that to coalesce the influence of roadway and traffic factors into ideal conditions or constant factors in the study, to accentuate interesting influence of slow moving vehicles which tend to put more lane space into use but have small occupancy area themselves. Traffic composition and speed are the traffic data types collected during peak periods on weekdays under dry ideal weather and used to study the other flow characteristics under varying composition of slow moving vehicles on different selected midblock sections. To account the effect of dynamic behavior of passenger car units as the basic unit of measuring highway capacity an experimental and direct empirical approach has been adopted in this work. A set of Passenger Car Units (PCUS) and hence -capacity estimated from the procedure has been compared with those stated as static PCUs in IRC: 106 (1990) and the differences have been reported. It is observed that capacity is decreasing with the increase in the proportion of Slow Moving Vehicles (SMVS) and PCU factors shows an increasing trend with growing populations of SMVS.