AbstractBackground: Obesity nowadays, is a very common health condition in geriatric population due to sedentary lifestyle, physical inactivity and is defined as the excessive fat accumulation in body. recent studies has pointed to a possible correlation between obesity and risk of fall in geriatric population. The physical consequences of fall has been well documented in literature. Purpose-To find the association between obesity and risk of fall in geriatric population.
Methods: The observational study consists of sixty participants with age between (60-70) and BMI ≥23.
Sampling Method: Convenient sampling method. Selection Criteria, Inclusion criteria-people with BMI ≥23, the people of age between (60-70),the people with no previous history of fall, Exclusion Criteria-the people with condition-postural hypotension, neurological insults(stroke, Parkinson’s disease), high grade fever, severe dehydration, recent general surgery, recent lower limb fracture.
Results: The result of the study showed that there was not statistical significance as (p=≥0.05) in all population.
Conclusion: Study concludes that there is no correlation between obesity and risk of fall in geriatric population. Females are more prone for risk of fall as compared to male.