AbstractIntroduction: Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is one of the most common mental disorders that develop in children and becomes apparent in the pre-school and early school years. ADHD is becoming a serious public health problem affecting a large number of children and adults. Generally, in developing countries 15-20% of students who are not able to maintain satisfactory collateral progress and lack of ability to successfully navigate the educational system cause serious problems for their parents. A child’s academic success is often dependent on his or her ability to attend to tasks, and to teacher to fulfill classroom expectation with minimal distraction. Such skills enables a child to study well. This study helps to evaluate the knowledge regarding ADHD in children among primary school teachers in association of demographic variables in district Sri Muktsar Sahib, Punjab.
Aim of the study
1) To Associate the knowledge of primary school teacher with selected demographic variables.
Material and Methods: A non-experimental descriptive study was conducted on 40 teachers teaching in selected school of Punjab. Data was collected through structured questionnaire.
Results: Fifty five percent primary school teachers in district Sri Muktsar Sahib, Punjab showed moderate level of knowledge about ADHD in which 87.5% female teachers belonged from urban area and nuclear families, (57.5%) were graduates. The most important source of their ADHD knowledge has been the media (35%), curriculum (30%) and Internet (30%). Age wise teachers were between 22-35 years. With 1-9 years of teaching experience. Monthly income ranged between Rs 6000- 20,000/-, and 83% of teachers were married. Statistical analysis has demonstrated that there was no significance relation found between association of the level of knowledge scores and other socio-demographic variables except monthly income variable were showing the chi square value (17.48), degree of freedom (6) at 0.008 level of significance because other sociodemographic variables has been showing the calculated chi-square values are less than the table value at the 0.05 level of significance.
Conclusion: From the results it may be concluded that the primary school teachers has moderate knowledge of ADHD and their source of knowledge has been media, curriculum and Internet. Since, there was no significance relation found between association of the level of knowledge scores and other socio-demographic variables To increase the awareness about ADHD in schools will need to start reasonable educational events by collaborating with hospital, medical colleges and nursing collages through onsite events, social media and internet.