Vol. 9, Issue 9, Part B (2023)
Perceived social support among primi-mothers attending well baby clinic in Tertiary Care Hospital in South India- A cross-sectional study
Perceived social support among primi-mothers attending well baby clinic in Tertiary Care Hospital in South India- A cross-sectional study
Preksha, Dipayani Sain, SA Sasikala, Sathiya R and Suchismita Jana
AbstractIntroduction: Motherhood is an astonishing but stressful experience for a new mother. She is expected to adapt the physical as well as psychological changes. Physical aid is needed to achieve the same. Social support refers to receiving voluntary assistance from other people, promoting a positive response. The aim of this study is to assess the social support perceived by the primi-mothers who bears a child up to 1 year of age.
Methodology: A descriptive cross-sectional research design with convenient sampling technique is used in the study. 161 primi-gravida mothers were selected from well-baby clinic, WCH, JIPMER who has a healthy child up-to one year of age. A formal permission from the Institutional Ethical Committee has obtained prior to the data collection. A formal consent has been taken from the participants in the language they understand. A modified multi-dimensional of perceived social support is used which was validated by experts in JIPMER. The collected data were analysed using descriptive and inferential statistics.
Results: The result showed that out of the 161 primi-mothers, majority of the participants are in the age group between 22-25 years and they live in joint family (54.7%). 90.7% of the primi-mothers has Good social support whereas 8.7% and 0.6% had Fair and Poor perceived social support respectively.
Conclusion: The study concluded 90.7% primi-mothers has experienced good social support by their families and relatives. Thus, we can say in our society new mothers are aided by her family and friends in baby care.
How to cite this article:
Preksha, Dipayani Sain, SA Sasikala, Sathiya R, Suchismita Jana. Perceived social support among primi-mothers attending well baby clinic in Tertiary Care Hospital in South India- A cross-sectional study. Int J Appl Res 2023;9(9):101-106.