Vol. 10, Issue 12, Part A (2024)
The impact of aerobic dance on body image of teacher trainees
The impact of aerobic dance on body image of teacher trainees
Vinodkumar K
This study is conducted to find out the impact of aerobic dance on body image of teacher trainees. For this investigation sixty teacher trainees were randomly selected and divided them to experimental (Aerobic dance) and Control groups of thirty each. The aerobic dance group engaged in the aerobic dance training for twelve weeks, 30 minutes of three days in a week. The control group did not involve in any type of training. A pre test was conducted to assess the body image by using Body Esteem Scale (BES). After twelve weeks of training post test was administered to check the body image. The results revealed that there was significant improvement in body image of aerobic dance group compared to control group.
How to cite this article:
Vinodkumar K. The impact of aerobic dance on body image of teacher trainees. Int J Appl Res 2024;10(12):12-13.