Vol. 10, Issue 12, Part C (2024)
Cultural intelligence and cross-cultural adjustment of higher education students: Analysis of state-wise variations
Cultural intelligence and cross-cultural adjustment of higher education students: Analysis of state-wise variations
Satyapriya Singh, Sesadeba Pany, Kanwaljit Kaur and Saikalyani Rana
The present study intended to discover the cultural intelligence and cross-cultural adjustment of different state students in higher educational institutions. The main objective was to examine the relationship and different levels of cultural intelligence and cross-cultural adjustment. The study also examined the relationship between cultural intelligence and cross-cultural adjustment of students belonging to different states. The investigator collected data from 300 students belonging to Uttar Pradesh, Kerala, Bihar, Haryana, Northeastern states, and Odisha studying in the central university of Punjab. The survey method of descriptive research design was employed by the investigator and the data were collected with the help of standardized tools on cultural intelligence scale and cross-cultural adjustment test. The interpretation of data was done with the help of the product-moment correlation statistical technique. The finding of the study revealed that there is a moderate level of cultural intelligence and cross-cultural adjustment for postgraduate male and female students and there exists a positive relationship between cultural intelligence and cross-cultural adjustment of postgraduate students at the central university of Punjab. It was also revealed that there exists a relation between cultural intelligence and cross-cultural adjustment of postgraduate students belonging to Kerala, Odisha, Bihar, Haryana, and Northeastern States. However, it was also revealed that there is no relationship between cultural intelligence and cross-cultural adjustment of postgraduate students belonging to Uttar Pradesh. Based on the findings of the study, the investigator recommends that more intervention programs, intercultural communication courses, and different cultural activities may be organized for students, and Faculty and administrative staff need to be trained in the language required to interact with students.
How to cite this article:
Satyapriya Singh, Sesadeba Pany, Kanwaljit Kaur, Saikalyani Rana. Cultural intelligence and cross-cultural adjustment of higher education students: Analysis of state-wise variations. Int J Appl Res 2024;10(12):158-164. DOI: