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International Journal of Applied Research
  • Multidisciplinary Journal
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ISSN Print: 2394-7500, ISSN Online: 2394-5869, CODEN: IJARPF

g-index: 90

Vol. 10, Issue 6, Part C (2024)

S. No. Title and Authors Name Subject Country
Brain science: Science of recollection
Vinod Sharma
Pages: 163-174  |  244 Views  116 Downloads
Subject: Science  |  Country: India
Impact of eco system on floral diversity with special reference to Angod village, Uttar Kannada district: Role of stake holders in bio diversity conservation
Sahana Gaonkar and K Krishna
Pages: 175-177  |  197 Views  96 Downloads
Subject: Studies in Botany  |  Country: India
Studies in BotanyIndia
The womb of tantrism and tourism- Maa Kamkhya Devi Shakti Peeth (Assam): A Bibliometric Analysis
Lovelesh, Arun, Mohit and Bhagyashree Dabi
Pages: 178-186  |  295 Views  139 Downloads
Subject: Tourism & Hospitality  |  Country: India
Tourism & HospitalityIndia
Enhancing accountability and performance: The impact of external auditing on Hindustan Unilever Limited
Dr. M Dhanabhakyam and Sangama Paliyathparambil Suresh
Pages: 187-192  |  171 Views  81 Downloads
Subject: Commerce  |  Country: India
Dynamique spatio-temporelle d’occupation du sol dans la commune de Simiri, ouest-nigérien
Moussa Abdou Ousseini, Soumaila Siddo Ibrahim, Dan Guimbo Iro and Gama Dadi Hamza
Pages: 193-202  |  232 Views  135 Downloads
Subject: Ecommerce  |  Country: Niger
Effets du compost et du lombricompost sur la productivité de deux espèces d’aubergines (Solanum aethiopicum L. et Solanum melongena L.) dans la localité de Bini-Dang à Ngaoundéré dans l’Adamaoua au Cameroun
Noah Etoundi Marcel Davy, Mvondo Awono Jean Pierre and Maigari Pale
Pages: 203-212  |  375 Views  224 Downloads
Subject: Biological Sciences  |  Country: Cameroon
Biological SciencesCameroon
मिट्टी को उपजाऊ बनाने का विकल्प - हरी खाद
अशोक कुमार सिंह, राजेंद्र कुमार सिंह, राजीव कुमार, अवंतिका सिंह एवं अवधेश कुमार
Pages: 214-215  |  103 Views  51 Downloads
Subject: Agronomy  |  Country: India
A descriptive study to assess the knowledge on preventive practices regarding needle stick injury among the nursing students at Era College of nursing, Lucknow
Ramana Devi, Priyanka Bharti, Firoz Zahra and Prabhat Kumar
Pages: 216-218  |  207 Views  97 Downloads
Subject: Nursing  |  Country: India
Criminalizing marital rape: An Indian perspective
Sunil Sudhakar Varnekar and Dr. Upankar Chutia
Pages: 219-223  |  252 Views  133 Downloads
Subject: Law  |  Country: India
Intermediary guidelines and digital media ethics under it law: Critical analysis
Dr. Vivek Kumar Gupta
Pages: 224-230  |  189 Views  63 Downloads
Subject: Law  |  Country: India
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