ISSN Print: 2394-7500, ISSN Online: 2394-5869, CODEN: IJARPF
Objective: This research explores how traditional sports influence health and social connections. It also highlights the challenges these sports face and discusses the ways to revitalize them.
Methods: The study included 300 participants, comprising players, trainers, and event coordinators, from six traditional sports of Manipur: Thang-Ta, Sagol Kangjei, Yubi Lakpi, Mukna, Kang, and Hiyang Tanaba. Participants, aged 18 to 45 years, were selected from six districts using snowball and purposive sampling. Data were collected through a 55-item questionnaire and structured interviews and analyzed using descriptive statistics and ANOVA techniques.
Results: Sagol Kangjei consistently achieved the highest scores in health and wellness (average: 61.42), and social integration (average: 64.54). Traditional sports proved effective in strengthening social relationships and maintaining health & wellness. ANOVA findings showed significant disparities in health & wellness, and social integration (p<0.001).
Conclusion: Traditional sports significantly contribute to improving health & wellness, and influence society as well. Sagol Kangjei serves as an exemplary case for utilizing traditional sports for community progress.