ISSN Print: 2394-7500, ISSN Online: 2394-5869, CODEN: IJARPF
The law has given great importance to the stage of forming the contracting contract, and its care for its implementation is no less important, because the contractor who commits himself to another aims, through his entry into the contractual relationship, to obtain a consideration for what he has committed to, which requires the two parties to strive to implement the contract, because the principle of contracts is to strive to implement them in accordance with the principle of good faith. By the expiration of the contract, or the expiration of the contract, we mean the termination of the contractual relationship between the two parties to the contract before the desired purpose of the contract is achieved.
If the employer seriously breaches his obligations, the creditor/contractor may request the termination of the contract. Serious breach means a breach that affects the spirit or essence of the contract, destroys its essence, or cuts the sensitive nerve, i.e. a breach of the main obligations of the contract. If the employer commits an error in the contract and the descriptions we mentioned apply to him, this is justification for terminating the contract and the perpetrator is obligated to compensate for direct damages, whether expected or unexpected.