Vol. 1, Issue 10, Part D (2015)
Original Research Article-Chronic suppurative otitis media- A Clinicopathological study at a tertiary Care Hospital
Original Research Article-Chronic suppurative otitis media- A Clinicopathological study at a tertiary Care Hospital
Ajitha Kumara, Ritu Nigam, Ak Jain
AIM: To study the aetiological risk factors and clinical features of chronic suppurative otitis media. To study morbidity and mortality associated with chronic suppurative otitis media.rnMaterial and Methods: The study was conducted on 94 patients of CSOM attending O.P.D of Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Gajra Raja Medical College and associated J.A. Group of Hospitals, Gwalior (M.P.) from August 2009 to October 2010.It was prospective tertiary hospital based study.rnResults: In the present study males predominated M:F::1.4:1.Most of cases were in age group11-20years.Maximum patient were of lower socio-economic class(39.4%).Most common symptom observed other than ear discharge was hearing loss amounts for 91.8%..The average disease duration before presentation was 8.24 years. Recurrent attack of acute otitis media is by far most common etiological risk factor with presence in 67(71.3) of case. Increased financial burden is the most common morbidity 26 (27.6%).Perforations involving pars tensa were more, In that 50(40.7%) were medium sized. 73 (59.3%) ears had safe verity of CSOM and 50(40.7%) ears were unsafe. Deviated nasal septum was most common finding in 56 (59.6%) cases, the most common predisposing factors in nose and throat.16. 96(78%) ears have conductive hearing loss. Majority of cases 54(43.9%) have moderate amount of hearing loss we found a statistically significant association between duration of disease and sensorineural component in hearing loss. We found a statistically significant association between severity of hearing loss and size of perforation. Abscess related to mastoid is the most common complication accounts for 14(66.6%) of total complications. rnConclusion: In the present study we conclude that chronic suppurative otitis media still prevalent in people of low socioeconomic strata. Recurrent attacks of acute otitis media being most common etiological risk factor, the poor living state enhance these factors. Chronic otitis media is an important cause of morbidity
How to cite this article:
Ajitha Kumara, Ritu Nigam, Ak Jain. Original Research Article-Chronic suppurative otitis media- A Clinicopathological study at a tertiary Care Hospital. Int J Appl Res 2015;1(10):235-240.