Vol. 1, Issue 10, Part M (2015)
Attitude towards computer of standard XI students in Pondicherry Region
Attitude towards computer of standard XI students in Pondicherry Region
L George Stephen
The study was intended to find out the attitude towards computer of XI standard students in Pondicherry region, India. Random Sampling Technique was used to compose a sample of 324 XI standard students. Mean, Standard Deviation and t values were calculated for the analysis of the data. The result revealed that the Gender, Medium of study and Computer usage had no significant difference. But, Locality and Availability of computer exhibited significant difference in the attitude towards computer of standard XI computer students at Pondicherry, India.
How to cite this article:
L George Stephen. Attitude towards computer of standard XI students in Pondicherry Region. Int J Appl Res 2015;1(10):880-882.