Vol. 1, Issue 11, Part D (2015)
A Comparative Study of Vo2 Max among the Basketball, Football, Volleyball and Hockey Male Players
A Comparative Study of Vo2 Max among the Basketball, Football, Volleyball and Hockey Male Players
Mukesh Kumar Mishra, Ajay Kumar Pandey, Devarshi Chaubey
Purpose: main purpose of the study was to compare the maximum oxygen consumption of male players of different games. Methodology: Selection of subjects- For the purpose of present study 59 male players of different games from G.G.V, Bilaspur were selected randomly as the subjects for the study. The age of the subjects were ranging from 20-25 years. Criterion Measures- Maximum Oxygen Consumption (VO2 Max) was determined by the Rockport walking test (Kline et. al., 1987) [17] was used. Statistical Method- Descriptive statistics, one way ANOVA and Post-Hoc Test (Scheffe’s Test) were used with SPSS 16.0 version. The level of significance was set at 0.05. Result: The results of the study indicate that the significant difference was found among Basketball, Volleyball, Football and Hockey in relation to VO2 Max (F= 4.927, p<0.05). Another result of the study shows that the Football players (67.6700) have highest level of VO2 Max in comparison to Basketball (65.5550), Volleyball (60.2667) and Hockey players (62.3858).
How to cite this article:
Mukesh Kumar Mishra, Ajay Kumar Pandey, Devarshi Chaubey. A Comparative Study of Vo2 Max among the Basketball, Football, Volleyball and Hockey Male Players. Int J Appl Res 2015;1(11):245-247.