Vol. 1, Issue 11, Part P (2015)
Ultrasonographic evaluation of first trimester P.V. bleeding and its co-relation to clinical findings
Ultrasonographic evaluation of first trimester P.V. bleeding and its co-relation to clinical findings
Dr. RP Patange and Dr. Manisha M Laddad
Aim: Evaluation of first trimester p. V. Bleeding and its co-relation to clinical findings using ultrasonography. Material and Method: prospective study will be carried out in department of Obstetric and Gynecology 1st trimester per vaginal bleeding. Pregnant women will be selected during antenatal OPD. Those with complaints of 1st trimester per vaginal bleeding, detail history will be taken, clinical examination, and diagnosis will be made. These patients will be subjected for detail ultrasonographic evaluation, cases referred from outside with similar complaints will also be studied (IPD). Result: Threatened abortion was the major indication for ultrasonography. This table shows distribution of sonographic diagnosis of clinically diagnosed threatened abortion cases. Out of 52(52%) cases majority 36 (69.23%) were proved to be real cases of threatened abortion. 8 (15.38%) were of missed abortion, 4 (7.69%) were of Blighted ovum, empty uterus was found in 2 (3.84%) cases & 2 cases (3.84%) were to be hydatidiform mole on ultrasonography. Conclusion: First trimester PV bleeding were studied of which maximum no. of patients were between the age of 21-25 yrs. (56%)Gravidity wise maximum no. of cases were primigravida (39%).Out of 52 cases clinically suspected as threatened abortion, 36 were confirmed, on real time ultrasonography.
How to cite this article:
Dr. RP Patange, Dr. Manisha M Laddad. Ultrasonographic evaluation of first trimester P.V. bleeding and its co-relation to clinical findings. Int J Appl Res 2015;1(11):1105-1107.