Vol. 1, Issue 12, Part E (2015)
Thermodynamic interpretation of transformations of bio-sphere through thermodynamic traits
Thermodynamic interpretation of transformations of bio-sphere through thermodynamic traits
The biosphere also known as ecosphere, is the termed as the zone of life on earth, a closed system apart from solar and cosmic radiation and heat from interior of earth, and largely self-regulating. Thermal equilibrium in the biosphere, which is based in the equality between the thermal energy received from the sun and the thermal energy reemitted from the atmosphere to the space. In order to understand the origin of the energy that gives rise to the processes and phenomena taking place in the biosphere, it is necessary to take into account the free energy represented by the product of temperature times the change in entropy, whose magnitude can be attributed to the variation experimented by the wavelengths (or, consequently, the frequencies) of the radiations composing the radiation spectrum received from the sun compared with the radiation spectrum reemitted from the biosphere into the space. A simple discussion allows to predict that the entropy increase driving the processes is connected with a spontaneous conversion of high frequency radiations (with lower ‘content’ of entropy) in radiations of lower frequencies (with higher ‘content’ of entropy). A consequence of this is that high frequency radiations would correspond to more ordered states and, therefore, to less probable states that those corresponding to radiations of lower frequencies.
How to cite this article:
Anupama. Thermodynamic interpretation of transformations of bio-sphere through thermodynamic traits. Int J Appl Res 2015;1(12):353-356.